Birds vs Robots

Birds vs Robots: A Freshmen Game Development Journey 2024

Welcome to the interesting universe of “Birds vs Robots” a remarkable platformer game that we, a gathering of rookies at a game improvement college, made as our task. Enlivened by the well known “Enter the Gungeon,” our game, Skybound, offers a drawing in encounter loaded up with collaborations, things to gather, and a lot of replayability. Our friends have thought that it is very tomfoolery, and we’re eager to share the excursion of making this game with you.

What is Skybound?

Skybound is a platformer game that sets birds in opposition to robots in an undeniably exhilarating fight. Players explore through different levels, gathering things and enhancers, and utilizing cooperative energies to overcome robot enemies. The game is intended for replayability, guaranteeing that each playthrough feels new and energizing.

Key Features

  • Birds versus Robots Subject: A novel idea where players control birds to fight against robots.
  • Collaborations and Things: Various things and enhancers that can be consolidated for strong impacts.
  • Replayability: Each game meeting offers another experience, keeping players locked in.

Developing Skybound: Our Journey

Making Skybound was a cooperative exertion that elaborate a few key stages. Here is an itemized take a gander at our improvement cycle.

Stage 1: Conceptualization

The initial step was to conceptualize and thought of an interesting game idea. We needed something fun, drawing in, and had a novel wind.

  • Thought Age: We held meetings to generate new ideas to create thoughts.
  • Topic Determination: Chose the birds versus robots subject, which we saw as interesting and adaptable.

Step 2: Game Design

Then, we continued on toward planning the game. This included making the mechanics, levels, and the general look and feel of Skybound.

  • Mechanics: Planned center game mechanics, including development, battle, and thing assortment.
  • Level Plan: Made different levels, each with exceptional difficulties and foes.
  • Craftsmanship and Sound: Fostered the visual and hear-able components to upgrade the gaming experience.

Step 3: Development

With the plan set up, we began the advancement cycle. This elaborate coding, making resources, and incorporating everything into a strong game.

  • Programming: Composed the code for game mechanics and rationale.
  • Resource Creation: Created sprites, foundations, and audio effects.
  • Incorporation: Joined all components to make a playable game.

Step 4: Testing and Feedback

Testing is a pivotal piece of game turn of events. We led broad testing to distinguish and fix messes with, and accumulated input to work on the game.

  • Playtesting: Played the game on different occasions to find and fix bugs.
  • Peer Criticism: Imparted the game to peers for input and made upgrades in view of their ideas.

Step 5: Launch

At long last, we sent off Skybound and imparted it to our friends. The positive gathering and input have been inconceivably reassuring.

Birds vs Robots: Math Game

To add an instructive contort, we coordinated a number related part into Skybound, making a “Birds versus Robots” math game. This mode moves players to take care of numerical questions to open specific enhancers or advance to a higher level.

How It Works

  • Math Difficulties: Players experience numerical questions that should be addressed to advance.
  • Trouble Levels: Issues range from essential number juggling to additional complicated conditions, taking care of different ability levels.
  • Rewards: Effectively tackling issues awards players strong things or admittance to secret regions.

Birds vs Robots: Maths Fun

Integrating math into Skybound wasn’t just about making the game instructive; it was likewise about making math fun. We intended to demonstrate the way that learning math can be connecting with and charming when incorporated into a game.


  • Upgraded Learning: Players further develop their number related abilities while having some good times.
  • Commitment: The game keeps players connected with and inspired to learn.
  • Support: Normal play builds up number related ideas and abilities.

Birds vs Robots: Math Battle

One of the champion elements of Skybound is the “Birds versus Robots Math Fight.” This mode sets players in opposition to progressively troublesome numerical statements in a high-stakes fight design.

Battle Mechanics

  • Coordinated Difficulties: Players should tackle numerical questions inside a set time limit.
  • Expanding Trouble: Issues get more enthusiastically as players progress.
  • Serious Play: Players can contend with companions or artificial intelligence in numerical fights.


What inspired the birds vs robots theme?

We needed a remarkable and drawing in topic that hadn’t been abused. Setting birds in opposition to robots felt new and offered a lot of imaginative open doors.

How do synergies work in Skybound?

Collaborations happen when certain things or enhancers are joined, making strong impacts that can reverse the situation of the game.

Is the math component mandatory?

No, players can decide to play the standard game mode without the number related difficulties in the event that they like.

What makes Skybound replayable?

The game’s plan incorporates haphazardly created levels, various things, and numerous cooperative energies, guaranteeing that each playthrough is unique.

Can I play Skybound with friends?

At present, Skybound is a solitary player game, yet we are investigating the chance of adding multiplayer highlights from now on.


Skybound is something other than a game; it’s a demonstration of our inventiveness, difficult work, and enthusiasm for game turn of events. With its one of a kind birds versus robots subject, drawing in ongoing interaction, and instructive numerical parts, Skybound offers something for everybody. Whether you’re a relaxed gamer or a numerical lover, we genuinely want to believe that you track down Skybound as tomfoolery and energizing as we expected. Much thanks to you for going along with us on this excursion, and blissful gaming!

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